My Work
This page sets out examples of my work from recent work to projects I have undertaken in the past. I hope you like the work I do and feel free to contact me if there is any thing you would want to discus and give some thought or quotation.

Steel Tree
This is a project I made in August 2022.
It was a challenge as the customer wanted it as a surprise birthday gift for the garden. I had only a month to prepare the design make and install.
Love a challenge and loved making this piece of art.

Infinity Sculpture
I made this sculpture for a couple who wanted to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary.
First time I had used grp for a sculptural piece.

South Derbyshire woodlands project
This project was initiated by South Derbyshire District Council and woodville polymere engineering. It celebrated 50 years of being in business and I worked along side the council and Polymere engineering in conjunction with workshops in schools to give local input. The gate ways had a map of the area hidden within the design and the leaf were all designed by local children and cast in Bronze.
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Steps for a Narrow Boat, all made from recycled materials and slightly curved to avoid interference with stove.

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Blue Mcaw
Specially made for a customer at the end of last year

Hydrangas for Isle of Man
Mild steel and many hours work
Memorial seating at Mercia Marina Willington Derbyshire

Large steel balls made for a private commission